The Joy of Fellowship

19 Feb

Everyone wants joy.  Unfortunately many Christians miss out on the joy that God wants them to have.  What is the key to the joy of the Lord?

I John 1:3-4 – We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.  We write this to make our joy complete.

The key to complete joy can be summed up in one word – fellowship.  Because of what Christ did on the cross, we can have fellowship with a holy God.  Then, because we are in fellowship with Him, we are also in fellowship with each other.  According to the Apostle John, that is the foundation for complete joy.

So many believers have no clue what fellowship entails.  The root word of fellowship means together, united, or beside.  It speaks about sharing in one another’s lives, not just sitting next to each other in a church service.  If the church was only about hearing a message about God, we could do that in front of a TV at home.  Fellowship is much more than that.

It is when those who have surrendered to the Holy Spirit meet together to share their lives with each other.  Those who have won a victory can encourage those who are in the middle of a struggle.  Those who have a testimony of praise can help those who are down.  The strong can pray for the weak.

Together, the whole body of Christ can be strengthened and built up.  We can hear the Word together, pray together, and share together.  The church is more than just a good organization, it is an organism.  It is alive and life giving to those who know what true fellowship is about.

Be an active member of the body of Christ.  Participate in the lives of others.  Allow the complete joy of the Holy Spirit to find a place in your heart.

1 Comment

Posted by on February 19, 2012 in Daily Thoughts


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One response to “The Joy of Fellowship

  1. Travis

    March 1, 2012 at 2:29 PM

    Excellent article, thanks.


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