Tag Archives: purity

Your Thought Life 2

Your Thought Life 2

We’re continuing through the epistle to the Philippians. In my last post, we started looking at how we should manage our thought life. Paul gave us the areas we need to be dwelling on.

Last time I talked about the things that are true, noble, and right. Now I’ll move on.

Paul tells us we need to be thinking about things that are pure. This word speaks of things which are clean or innocent. The Apostle John talked about this.

This should be a big part of our thought life. We’re looking forward to the return of Christ. That causes a desire to be pure in His presence.

I don’t know how a believer can live in this generation and not be thinking about the return of the Lord. The evidence is all around us. Every day the news is lining up more and more with the Scripture. The time is now to let our purity be seen by the world around us.

Then, we need to be thinking on things that are lovely. This is an interesting Greek word that literally means toward friendship. We should be thinking of ways to be a friend to those we meet on a day-to-day basis.

So many people in society today are content to ignore others and to be ignored. That’s not what we’re called to. We are to be the salt in the world – the preservative in society. Thinking about ways to help others will spur us on to a life of service for Christ.

Another part of our thought life should be things that are admirable. This is talking about things that are of a good report. That should speak to us in this generation.

So often we seek out bad reports. When listening to the news, people tend to flock to the evil things that are happening. Most of the news on the TV, radio, and internet is bad.

As Christians, we can’t be dwelling on all that negativity. We need to focus our thoughts on the good that’s taking place around us. This helps us to have a heart of thankfulness before God instead of a mean attitude.

We should also be thinking on things that are excellent. But we need to understand that this isn’t the normal word for excellent. It actually means strong or valiant.

We need to be bold for the Lord. We should be thinking about how to step out of our comfort zones to bring the love of Christ to the world. It requires bravery to embrace change for the cause of Christ.

The word, praises, in this verse is that same word that means strength and valor. We are called to walk in the light. That means we’re going to be noticed. That requires the courage of the Holy Spirit in us.

Finally, think about things that are praiseworthy. We should definitely be thinking on things that bring praise to God. He does so much for us. Sometimes we don’t even notice them, especially the little things each day.

We need to take the time to review all that the Lord has done for us. It’s surprising when you start to list them all. It should put a smile on your face.

Another area is music. Thinking about, humming, whistling, and/or singing songs of praise throughout the day will, without a doubt, change your attitude.

These are the things that will keep you thinking clearly in the uncertain days that we live in. Make sure that you’re focusing your thoughts in a positive way.

© 2023 Nick Zaccardi


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Spiritual Relationships

Spiritual Relationships

Life as a believer should be very different from that of the world. Unfortunately, with so many people it’s hard to see the difference. Paul continues in Ephesians, talking about how we should act around one another.

But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.

Ephesians 5:3 NIV

Here the apostle reminds us that we are God’s set apart people. We’re called according to His purpose.

The fact is that there are many single men and women who think that the purpose of the church is find them dates. Their highest goal is to meet others for romantic connections.

Yes, I’m aware that many people have found their mates while attending church. However, that’s not the main reason for attending. We’re in the body to encourage and strengthen one another.

Along with that, he talks about greed. We need to understand that the church was not established just to give you prospects for your multi-level marketing schemes. Again, it might be that the Lord brings together some divine connections, but it should be orchestrated by the Holy Spirit.

Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving.

Ephesians 5:4 NIV

This deals with how we interact with each other. We have to be careful with our joking. Sexual jokes or references shouldn’t be a part of our normal conversations. Neither should there be any colorful interjections based upon bodily functions.

I believe that all of those things are a part of foolish talk – the talk of fools. Foolishness is acting as if God is not a part of everything that we do (Psalm 53:1). How would you talk if you were speaking to Jesus Christ, Himself?

The phrase, coarse joking, seems to include sharp sarcasm. I say that, knowing that my humor can be very sarcastic at times. I’ve had to learn to let the Holy Spirit temper that to the extent that it’s no longer hurtful to those around me.

In the church, we have to be careful to keep our relationships pure before the Lord who searches our hearts.

For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person — such a man is an idolater — has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them.

Ephesians 5:5-7 NIV

This verse clearly warns us not to act as the world does. It’s not saying that you’ll lose your salvation over it. However, your inheritance – the rewards and blessings of sonship – will be affected by your actions.

When we act and talk like the world, we’re behaving like those who are going to be judged. Our goal should be to please God. I don’t want to constantly be asking forgiveness. I want God to look upon me with joy for how His Holy Spirit is transforming me.

Allow the Spirit of Christ to make a difference in you. Walk in the purity that befits a child of God.

Question: How different is your life now than when you first came to Christ?

© 2023 Nick Zaccardi


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Ministry Qualities Part 2

We’re continuing to look at the qualities of a true ministry according to Paul in his second letter to the Corinthian church.

…in beatings, imprisonments and riots; in hard work, sleepless nights and hunger; in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love…
2 Corinthians 6:5-6

In my last post, I talked about hard work, now we’ll go on from there.

Sleepless Nights – The Greek word used here literally means awake.  In the New Testament, it’s normally used to mean keep watch.  The Scripture teaches that church leaders keep watch over the souls in their care (Hebrews 13:17).

Those who are in leadership can’t afford the luxury of falling asleep spiritually.  We need to stay alert as to what’s happening in society around us.  We also need to be listening to what the Holy Spirit would have us speak.

Hunger – This is not the normal word for being hungry.  It’s a choice to abstain from eating food.  I believe that it should rightly be translated fasting, as it is in the KJV.

If you read my blog regularly, you know that I think fasting should be a normal part of any Christian’s life.  So for those who are following the call of God in their life, it’s a necessity.

Purity – this literally means cleanness in the original.  We need to keep ourselves spiritually clean.

Does that mean we need to live a perfect life?  Absolutely not.  What it does mean, is that we’re always quick to repent when we realize that we’ve missed the mark.  Don’t let a day go by without confessing your sin to the Lord.

Understanding – In the above verse, this word simply means knowledge.  I believe that we need to constantly be learning and growing in our knowledge.  That not only includes Scripture but also the world around us.

Technology is changing so rapidly, and we need to be aware of these things.  Each day brings new advantages to how we present the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Always stay teachable and open.

Patience – In the Greek, this is a compound word.  It means long tempered.  A true minister doesn’t get immediately angry in a bad situation.  They don’t let their emotions carry them away.

We have to be careful to always be led by the Holy Spirit.  We can’t afford to do or say something that we’ll end up regretting later.

If you have an anger problem, it will help if you spend time in the Lord’s presence.  Intimacy with the Holy Spirit brings great changes in our lives.

We’ve covered a lot of ground in these last two posts and we’re not finished yet.  Don’t get discouraged.  None of us are perfect, but this gives us something to strive for.  I’ll continue this in my next post.

Question: How do you see these qualities at work in your ministry?

© 2020 Nick Zaccardi


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Bad Examples

We’re continuing our look at the example of Israel.  The way they served God in the wilderness should be a sign to us of how NOT to do it.

There are three specific characteristics that Paul wants us to beware of.

We should not commit sexual immorality, as some of them did — and in one day twenty-three thousand of them died.  We should not test the Lord, as some of them did — and were killed by snakes.  And do not grumble, as some of them did — and were killed by the destroying angel.
1 Corinthians 10:8-10

The first thing that you need to know is that we’re now under God’s grace.  I’m very glad that I was born on this side of the cross of Christ.  We don’t have to worry about plagues and destroying angels anymore.

On the other hand, just because God won’t immediately judge us, doesn’t change how strongly the Lord feels about these sins.  Participating in these activities is displeasing to God.  Our goal should be to live a life that’s well-pleasing before Him.

The first thing listed is sexual immorality.  I guess nothing changes.  That’s probably the biggest area in which Christians refuse to change.

This covers all sexual activity outside of a marriage relationship between a man and a woman.  Even pornography is included in this.

This is a huge stronghold in the lives of many believers, yet not many people talk about it.  Maybe they’re afraid that they may lose church members or followers.  But I can’t just gloss over it, because some of your future rewards depend upon the purity of your walk before God.

The next issue he talks about is testing the Lord.  This problem was recorded in the book of Numbers, chapter 21.   It was all about the people being impatient with the Lord.

When we pray, we want the answer right now.  With Israel, it got to the point where they accused God of sending them into the desert to die.  They also told Him that they hated the manna that God was providing for them.

Don’t fall into the trap of becoming impatient as you wait for God’s promises to be fulfilled.  It will develop ungratefulness for the things that the Lord is already doing in your life.  Rest assured that the Lord will fulfill His plan in you.

Finally, there’s a temptation for us to grumble about where we are in life.  This word means to speak a complaint in almost inaudible tones.

That’s something that used to really bother me as a pastor.  Someone would approach me and say something like, “Brother Joe is mad at you and has now left the church.  You need to talk to him.  He’s telling everybody mean things about you.”

The funny thing is that when I called Joe, he tells me, “Oh Pastor Nick, I’m not mad at you.  Who would say that about me?  I love your ministry.  I haven’t been in church because I have to take care of some family issues.”

Grumbling is when you voice your complaints to people who aren’t a part of either the problem or the solution.  You’re just looking for someone to tell you that you’re right and the other person is wrong.

Unfortunately, grumbling will open the door to the attack of the enemy.  Don’t give any ground to the devil.

The example of Israel is a negative one.  But they show us certain activities that the Lord hates.  He won’t kill you with a lightning bolt from heaven.  But your ministry will be hindered until you repent.

Question: Why is the walk of purity better, even though it’s a tougher road?

© 2019 Nick Zaccardi

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Posted by on May 8, 2019 in Ministry, Spiritual Walk


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